朱华胜 高聘副研究员
[1] 中南大学研究生自主探索创新项目:地铁防杂散电流用高电绝缘混凝土研究,2021.04-2022.5,主持.
[2] 十四五国家重点研发计划:高速铁路复杂环境下轨道结构高效高性能补强修复材料技术,2023.01-2027.11,参与.
[3] 十四五国家重点研发计划:CZ铁路复杂环境下桥梁梁体高性能混凝土关键材料与应用,2021.01-2024.11,参与.
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:高海拔低气压环境抗冻融混凝土气孔参数设计与调控研究,2021.01-2024.1,参与.
[5] 中铁二院:时速400 km+高速铁路设计关键技术,2022-2024,参与.
[6] 中铁二院:轨道结构混凝土耐久性研究,2021-2023,参与.
[1] Huasheng Zhu, Xuli Lan, Xiaohui Zeng, et al. Enhancement of the energy dissipation capacity CSH gel through self-crosslinking the poly (vinyl alcohol)[J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 2024, 185: 107648.
[2] Huasheng Zhu, Xiaohui Zeng, Xuli Lan, et al. A novel high-damping metaconcrete through designing resonant aggregates made from recycled rubber powder-coated coarse aggregate[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 427: 136266.
[3] Huasheng Zhu, Xiaohui Zeng, Xuli Lan, et al. Study on the effect of dynamic flexural load on the electrical resistivity of concrete[J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 23(3): 176.
[4] Huasheng Zhu, Xiaohui Zeng, Xuli Lan, et al. Creep model of cement and asphalt (CA) mortar based on micro-meso structure[J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 23(1): 10.
[5] Huasheng Zhu, Xiaohui Zeng, Xuli Lan, et al. Effects of high temperature on creep properties of cement and emulsified asphalt mortar[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(7): 04022128.
[6] Xiaohui Zeng, Huasheng Zhu*, Xuli Lan, et al. Effects of asphalt emulsion on calcium silicate hydrate gel: Morphology and porosity[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 16(1): e2589.
[7] Xiaohui Zeng, Huasheng Zhu*, Xuli Lan, et al. Study on relationships between static mechanical properties and composition of low modulus CA mortar[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 274: 121836.
[8] Xiaohui Zeng, Huasheng Zhu*, Xiujiao Qiu, et al. Deterioration of CA mortar filling layer under cyclical thermal loading[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 259: 119678.
[9] 朱华胜, 曾晓辉, 刘海川, 等. 水泥乳化沥青砂浆静态力学性能与组成的关系[J].硅酸盐学报, 2020, 48(05): 644-651.